
Hi, I'm Katerina (she/they).
Queer mother of 3, ADHDer, Spoonie (IFYKYK) and health advocate.

I'm a Certified Health & Life Coach who uses a trauma-informed approach to help neurodiverse folks, women and femmes with chronic illness, manage their health.

As someone who knows firsthand the extra layer of stress ADHD and other mental health issues can add to managing chronic illness, I can speak firsthand to what works and what doesn't.

Over the past 4 year, I have developed a no-shame approach to health management for those of us who desperately want to feel better and know what we need to do, but simply forget to take our meds because our brains work differently.

My comprehensive approach addresses more than how to eat or find momentum in routine. It also includes how to have deep meaningful relationships despite the barrier chronic illness and neurodiversity put up.

Through learning more about the nervous system, how to work with shame, AND how to work with your unique brain, together we forge a path to wellness in all areas of life by learning to advocate on a deeper level for all your needs to be met, physical & emotional.

Note: (Struggling to afford the listed prices but need support? Email me at [email protected] to ask about my sliding scale options.

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